A Message from
Elizabeth & Bill Reid

On April 30, 2022, our beloved son, Jack Reid, died by suicide after being bullied for more than a year. Before the bullying began, he was a happy and well-adjusted teenager with a strong support system that included his friends and devoted family. He loved his school and his community, and treated others with kindness and respect. He had a bright future. We hope no other family suffers such a profound loss.

We never imagined that our happy child could be driven to take his own life. And we believe that if this could happen to our son, it could happen to anyone. The damaging effects of bullying and cyberbullying need to be taken more seriously. Jack’s school has acknowledged that there are steps it should in hindsight have taken in response to the bullying, and that it will implement a comprehensive plan to combat bullying on campus.

Schools need evidence-based anti-bullying strategies. For that reason, we are launching the Jack Reid Foundation, which will focus on education and the prevention of bullying. We hope to create a model to address this crisis and save children’s lives. 

More Updates from the Reids:

February 2024 Update